About Us



     Natural and genuine is what we offer and are traits that are very hard to find nowadays with the many common misconceptions about natural herbs. Many people give out this misinformation due to their lack of passion, and thoughts of get-rich quick schemes. We here at Alkaline Healing are devoted, passionate, and fully invested into wellness and natural herbal healing. We strongly believe in the power of herbs!

           When my Wife and I decided to create this business we both had similar beliefs, passions, and quite similar knowledge when it came to health and healing. We both were going through a similar time in our lives where we were trying to figure out what were the best lifestyles to create a life of longevity. I started out on my own selling Sea Moss locally and teaching those around me about the benefits of herbal healing. My Wife had her own biomedical knowledge from school, and some about herbs which combined helped us both realize what the best lifestyles were. Now, together we both create a tag team of individual knowledge to feed of off, and use to teach our audiences about the powers of herbs. 

           We believe as humans, we are the only species complex enough to be able to heal on our own physically, and mentally. We believe that both physical and mental healing can be achieved through knowledge. We believe our bodies are meant to replenish, and create new structures by itself with simple aid. Nothing too fancy, harsh, or complex. Just simple alkaline herbal healing. 

Quick Sea Moss Facts!

I'm sure it's been told to you many times "Sea Moss has 92 out of the 102 minerals and vitamins that make up our bodies." but I'm not here to tell you that.

There are tons more properties in Sea Moss that will surely do your body more than good!

Sea Moss is extremely rich in zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, B2, B12, D, E & K, omega-3, dietary fibre, iodine, phosphorous, plus more!

How is Sea Moss grown? Sea Moss starts from spores that detatch themsleves from already grown Sea Moss and reattach themselves to a rock, which is where its minerals and nutrients come from. It continues to grow using photosynthesis.

Common Uses for Your Benefit!

Get Started With Sea Moss By Learning To Make Gel!

How To Make Sea Moss Gel